Rose Hall, home to Jamaica's White Witch

The White Witch of Rose Hall, Jamaica – Haunted Caribbean

The Rose Hall Great House is among the most notoriously haunted spots in the Caribbean. Located about 10 miles east of my usual address in Montego Bay, Rose Hall dates back to the 1770’s. The structure represents one of the finest, fully-restored examples of Georgian-era (1714-1830) construction in the Caribbean. Impressive, though it may be for its architecture, period furniture, art and other treasures, the main attraction at Rose Hall is undoubtedly the White Witch, aka: Annie Palmer, who lived here in the 1800’s.

Short, Sexy, Murderous

Annie’s legend varies slightly depending on who’s telling it. Most agree, though, that she was a short (about 4-ft, 11-in), sexy, lustful, and murderous priestess.

One of Annie’s slaves kept a journal. In it, he chronicled her tyrannical ways. Journal entries reveal that Annie murdered all three of her husbands. She poisoned one husband, stabbed another, then strangled a third.

In the course of killing husband #2, Annie even poured boiling oil into his ears! (I’m guessing he wasn’t a good listener.)

The White Witch’s predisposition toward murder was not, however, confined to her husbands. She also had a habit of killing her slaves after forcing them to succumb to her lustful ways. Apparently, she’d let her lovers live until she got bored with them.

Hell definitely had no fury like Annie.

The White Witch Meets Her End

Eventually, The White Witch was herself murdered and buried near the Great House. One story states that a Vodou ritual was supposed to be followed that would keep her spirit entombed forever. Somehow, though, that got botched.

Another version has it that she was buried in an unmarked grave by a neighboring plantation owner. Three crosses were set on three sides of her grave to contain her. The fourth side, though, was kept open. You know, just in case her spirit wanted to roam.

And roam she does, at least according to many visitors to Rose Hall. Some even claim to have captured her likeness in photos!

Whether or not you believe the legend of the White Witch, Rose Hall Great House is definitely worth a visit whenever you’re in MoBay…

The White Witch of Rose Hall


Last updated by Steve Bennett on .

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