Pink Ting

Pink Ting: World’s Girliest Soda by Way of Jamaica

Pink Ting has got to be the girliest soda in the world. I mean, just look at the bottle. If there was a life-size Barbie Dream House (oh wait, there is one?!), the fridge would have to be loaded with these Tings, right?!

Now I’ve never been a guy to have a problem with pink. In fact, high school me used to love this most unmasculine of colors.

Love Pink

I had a fascination with pink flamingoes back then. Looking back I think that probably didn’t help me with the ladies, though.

The pink cummerbund/bow-tie combo I rocked to junior prom probably contributed to my turning in early as well. This despite having three dates!

Either way, I liked pink, dates be damned! I just never cared about any pink stigma.

Even now I don’t really care.

Correction, I didn’t care until the other day, when, while cracking open one of these pretty pink Jamaican beauties, one of my sons teasingly asked…

Dad, isn’t that drink for girls?

Yeah, um, hmm…

When, at 39 years of age, your manhood gets questioned by your six-year-old son, it could be time to change your drink. No matter how delicious and refreshing it may be.

And believe me, Pink Ting is very delicious and very refreshing.

Ting vs. Pink Ting

Pink Ting is a close cousin to Jamaica’s #1 soft drink, Ting. Faithful UC readers will remember that Ting is Patrick’s all-time favorite soda. 

Like its cousin, this rose-colored variety combines lightly carbonated grapefruit juice, a hint of lime, and natural sugar to make even the warmest days more bearable. The difference, though, is the pink grapefruit flavor added to Pink Ting.

Pink Ting Cocktails

Like regular Ting soda, Pink Ting acquits itself beautifully in a strong, masculine, MacGyver-type fashion to happy hour as well. Whether you choose rum, vodka, or gin, simply combine with Pink Ting and a dash of bitters for an easy and delightful cocktail manly booze drink that will no doubt put hair on your chest.

For guys, enjoying a Pink Ting mixer in a highball may help to minimize any girlyman teasing from friends. But for those times when non-alcoholic drinks are a must, just make sure you’ve got a brown paper bag handy…


Last updated by Steve Bennett on .

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