Barbados Love rekindled along Oistin Bay

Barbados Love Rekindled Along Oistin Bay

The whole notion of absence making the heart grow fonder has always been lost on me. I can’t get enough of the people and places I love. As such, lapses between my reunions with those closest to me are generally short. Somehow, though, Barbados fell out of my regular rotation. My Barbados love has always been strong. Still, before right now (May 2023), it had been 11 years since my last lime in Bim

Eleven years?!

Even as I type this, I still can’t believe it.

Last night, though, while enjoying this view at sunset along Oistin Bay, I committed myself to do better. To be a better friend to Barbados and visit more often.

Yes, there was a good measure of sargassum soiling the shore. The vibe at Surfer’s Cafe, where I had settled in for a snack after a long day of meetings, was a little less authentically West Indian as I would’ve liked as well.

No matter.

Something about the Oistin Bay surrounds and the Old Brigand in my glass just felt right to me. Like I belonged. Like I was home; my Barbados love fully rekindled.

Maybe my love for Barbados had grown over my decade-plus away from her charms. Maybe our time apart had made me appreciate Barbados more.

Either way Bim, you can be sure that I will be back real soon…

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