10 Minutes from Terre-de-Haut, Guadeloupe | SBPR

10 Minutes from Terre-de-Haut, Guadeloupe

The butterflies in my belly intensified with every passing second of the ferry ride from Trois-Rivières. Terre-de-Haut, the jewel of Les Saintes, was only 45 minutes away. To me, though, it felt like the trip would take forever. I’d been jonesing to experience the uncommon charms here for years. A self-inflicted five-hour delay in Trois-Rivières, though, had me extra anxious as we got underway. Seeing Terre-de-Haut from Trois-Rivières during my delay was nice. Seeing it from the point pictured above was something altogether different. It was here, 10 minutes from docking, that I could finally begin to see all that I had dreamed of this special place. The iconic red roofs of Fond-du-Curé. Rolling hills capped by ancient fortresses. Masses of sailboat masts bobbing in the harbor. The silhouette of Dominica looming off in the distance. It was all coming into view; a picture-perfect preview of the fun to come.

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