
Saturday Video: 3:10am at Trinidad Carnival Panorama

Maybe you’ve heard the stories and had your doubts. How could it be, after all, that the epic annual party that is Trinidad & Tobago Carnival actually goes non-stop, 24/7 for weeks on end?

I had similar doubts once. Then I took part in the revelry last year. This video is a small slice of proof that all the hype is real…

I shot it at the 2013 Panorama Finals.

At 3:10am in the morning.

J’Ouvert morning was still a couple days away, yet the stands were still packed. The energy, as evidenced by the footage, was still high. Another fete was just getting started a few minutes drive away…

Oh yeah, THE HYPE IS VERY REAL and beyond worth every sacrifice and countless sleepless nights to experience.

For more on Carnival in Trinidad & Tobago, check this out…

Last updated by Steve Bennett on .

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