🇨🇷Costa Rica

Easy Access Serenity At Trogon Lodge, Costa Rica

Trogon Lodge, located in the mystical highlands that comprise Costa Rica’s enchanted Cloud Forest, is, in many ways, the most magical place I’ve ever stayed. There are many reasons for this, of course.

The rooms, the food, the service, and communal sort of ski lodge vibe all stand out in my memory of the all-too-brief stay I enjoyed here a few months ago.

As in much of Costa Rica, though, the main enticement here is Mother Nature herself. Trogon Lodge is set within the Los Santos Forest Reserve, a protected forest spreading over 240 square miles over towering peaks ranging in elevation from 6,500 to 9,800 feet.

You don’t have to venture far here to find yourself fully ensconced in nature at its most resplendent. Case in point: this waterfall that I came across after a brisk and brief 15-minute hike from my cabin…

Serenity, absolute peace, pura vida – your monthly Moment of Zen

Last updated by Steve Bennett on .

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