
Kilibibi: A Desperate & Delicious Taste of the Caribbean

When the going got really tough during the Great Depression, people ate dirt. Literally! Thankfully, the current global economic mess hasn’t had as profound an impact on most of us. Still, who isn’t trying to slash their grocery bill these days? Enter the magical chefs from the island of Martinique with a gourmet twist on the most desperate of Great Depression meals: kilibibi.

  • sand
  • popcorn
  • 300g cane sugar
  • cinnamon
  • grated nutmeg

A simple, sweet cereal enjoyed plain, with milk or molasses, kilibibi consists primarily of sand. Yes, the same impossibly ubiquitous granules that we scold our kids for putting in their mouths and throwing at their friends. (Though usually white sand and not black sand.) Here’s how you turn grains of sand into gastronomy:

Rinse sand and heat it in a large pot. Add uncooked popcorn and stir, bringing popped grains to the surface. Once all the popcorn has popped, sift out the sand with a strainer and store it in a large bowl. Grind popcorn to a powder using a mortar, then combine with sand, add 300g of cane sugar, cinnamon, grated nutmeg.

Bon appetit!

Last updated by Steve Bennett on .

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