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Fishing boat at rest in Jacmel, Haiti | SBPR

Fishing Boat at Rest in Jacmel, Haiti

Out at sea, plying their trade, they amaze ⎯ old fishing boats like this one in Haiti forever battling time and tides to deliver the catch of the day.

My Journey To The Heart of Clairin Rhum Country: Cap-Haitien, Haiti

Clairin, the Caribbean's most bombastic bush rum, can be enjoyed anywhere in Haiti. To truly appreciate its essence, though, you must travel to Cap-Haitien.
Haitian Vodou Dolls | SBPR

The Loving Truth Behind Real Haitian Vodou Dolls

Romance on the rocks? Sex life more fizzle than sizzle? Never fear! On my last visit to Haiti a few months ago I found a solution: Haitian Vodou Dolls.
Street art in Noailles, Haiti | SBPR

Haitian Street Art Shines in Noailles

The amazing local art in the galleries of Port-au-Prince provide endless rewards for art lovers. Equally inspiring, though, is Haitian street art.
Vodou Ceremony Clairin, Haiti | SBPR

That Time I Went To A Vodou Ceremony in Haiti

You're kicking back in the Great Room of the Marriott Port-au-Prince admiring the striking collection of Vodou Flags. The bright colors and intricate symbols for the individual Loa mesmerize. You want to learn more about Vodou; to attend a Vodou ceremony in Haiti, but how...?

Elegant Eats at Les Jardins du Mupanah, Haiti

I'm sure that my future visits to Port-au-Prince, Haiti will include a little more diversity in the dining department. Les Jardins du Mupanah is why.
Southern Haiti

Experience The Beautiful Side Of Haiti

Haiti, just like everywhere else, is not all one thing. What's bad is bad there. What's good... well... some of it is like this...
Sipping Sea Water at Bananier Beach, Haiti | SBPR

Enjoying My Traditional ‘Sea Drink’ in Haiti: Photo of the Day

Sipping sea water seems to set my mind and soul more in-tune with the sunny shores I'm lucky to be exploring, few places more so than the Bananier Beach, Haiti.
Monument de Jean Jacques Desalines in Le Champs de Mars, Port-au-Prince, Haiti | SBPR

Desalines Monument, Le Champs de Mars, Haiti: Uncommon Attraction

Stroll among the monuments to Haiti's heroes in Champs de Mars and it quickly becomes evident which one seems to be held in the highest esteem.