June 20172 of 3

Ilet a Cabrit des Saintes, Guadeloupe

Îlet à Cabrit des Saintes, Guadeloupe: Uncommon Envy

Everywhere I went, she was there, Îlet à Cabrit's beauty and the thrill of her unknown treasures a constant distraction during my visit to Guadeloupe.
Antigua - Long Bay Beach by Patrick Bennett

Dad’s Guide to Short Races on Long Bay Beach

If there's one thing all fathers figure out eventually, it's that the word "father" is much more of a verb than a noun. So what's a dad to do?
Eagle Beach, Aruba breeds smiles

New Ways To Jet Away To The Caribbean in 2017

High airfares are often cited among the top reasons why people don't travel to the Caribbean more often. Norwegian Air and Southwest are changing all that.

Jamaican Patty Challenge: Tastee vs Juici

When it comes to the Jamaican Patty, there can be only one best of the best: Tastee or Juici. On my last visit to Kingston, I put them both to the test...
The Baths, British Virgin Islands by Patrick Bennett
🇻🇬British Virgin Islands

Strolling Solo Through The Baths

Few beaches promise a more unique experience than the granite boulder strewn shores of The Baths National Park British Virgin Islands.
🇻🇬British Virgin Islands

Barking up The Dog Islands of the BVI’s: Photo of the Day

The beautiful Dog Islands of the British Virgin Islands got their name when early sailors mistook seals' characteristic barking for that of a dog's.
British Virgin Islands Hiking by Patrick Bennett
🇻🇬British Virgin Islands

Hiking Nature’s Little Secrets in the BVI’s

Take the time to drag yourself away from the British Virgin Islands' perfect sailing conditions and plentiful painkillers long enough to take a hike.
Swimming in the British Virgin Islands by Patrick Bennett
🇻🇬British Virgin Islands

Going Beneath the Surface in the BVI’s: Photo of the Day

So many wonders can be found just below the surface of the British Virgin Islands' crystal clear waters from wrecks to reefs.
Sailing British Virgin Islands by Patrick Bennett
🇻🇬British Virgin Islands

Change Your Perspective Sailing the BVI’s: Photo of the Day

Sailing the 60+ islands and islets of the British Virgin Islands changes your perspective in ways to which other forms of travel can only aspire.