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Remote Working In Style from Buck Island, St. Croix
🇻🇮St. Croix

Remote Working In Style from Buck Island, St. Croix

As remote working setups go, this floating "office" anchored curbside at Buck Island off the northeast coast of St. Croix is tough to beat.
Kayaking Anguilla

Kayaking Anguilla – North Coast from Crocus Bay to Little Bay

A bit unexpected and infinitely fun, kayaking Anguilla provides a great way to experience a different side of a very special island.
Marina Pointe du Bout, Martinique

Marina Pointe du Bout, Martinique – Wish You Were Here

Marina Pointe du Bout is one of the busiest ports in Martinique. In-between the bustle of the big boats, though, local fisherman still make their way.
Puerto Escondido Sunset

Puerto Escondido Sunset Hammocking – Wish You Were Here

Caribbean sunsets are always our preference. This one over the Pacific at Puerto Escondido, though, certainly gives me pause.
National Hammock Day Made Nicer in the Florida Keys
🇺🇸Florida Keys

National Hammock Day Made Nicer in the Florida Keys

I've no idea who created National Hammock Day, or what inspired them. I'd like to think, though, that the aha moment happened here.
Rockhouse Negril Pool

Floating Around Above the Sea at Rockhouse Negril

When it comes to pools, our preference is always for the natural variety. I'd happily make an exception, though, for the pool at Rockhouse Negril.
Sizzling, Sunning Along the Shores of Le Carbet, Martinique

Sizzling, Sunning Along the Shores of Le Carbet, Martinique

Facing the sea elevated above the hot sand, a Biere Lorraine within reach, you'll emit your own special brand of radiant heat at Le Petibonum in Martinique.
Social Distancing Essentials in Antigua and Barbuda

Social Distancing Essentials in Antigua and Barbuda

Any list of social distancing essentials would likely not include a powerboat. This boat, though, has me aspiring to be in Antigua and Barbuda right now.
Social Distancing Prickly Pear Cays

Private Island Social Distancing In The Prickly Pear Cays

As social isolation spots go, the uninhabited Prickly Pear Cays, located six miles north of Anguilla, work pretty well for me.